Bedwetting is a natural childhood developmental phase that millions of children experience. While it’s quite common, parents still struggle with interrupted sleep and extra laundry loads, and some even wonder where they might have gone wrong in the potty-training process. If not handled properly, children can even lose confidence in themselves, especially when faced with potentially discouraging situations like a sleepover at a friend’s house.
“The most important thing for parents to understand about bedwetting is that it is different than potty training. If your child is able to successfully use the bathroom during the daytime without any accidents, they have matured past the potty training stage. But many children between the ages of 4 and 6 still have accidents at night,” says Dr. Jennifer Trachtenberg, pediatrician. Forty percent of parents with children in this age group say their child wets the bed at least once a week, according to the June 2012 Bedwetting Study conducted by Strategy One Research. Nighttime wetness is completely normal and part of the developmental growing process.
There are many reasons why children wet the bed. The most important one to understand is that children develop at different rates. This development is something parents and their children will have to let happen at its own speed.
Also, part of that development centers around your child’s bladder. Young children still have developing and growing bladders. Because of this, they aren’t able to “hold it” for an entire night.
Finally, children are also very deep sleepers, which is great to help build energy for all the activities they do during the day. But it also prevents them from recognizing the signals that their bladder is full, leading to bedwetting situations.
According to the survey, 43 percent of parents believe they can train their child out of bedwetting. In reality, there is no training to make bedwetting go away, however parents can help their children maintain confidence by keeping the bed dry, even if the child goes to the bathroom in the middle of the night while asleep. You can help reduce the surprise of accidents by waking your child during the night for a trip to the bathroom. Also, GoodNites Underwear for boys and girls are specifically made to protect children while they’re lying down, and are 40 percent more absorbent than leading training pants. Your child’s pajamas and bed will stay dry, allowing for greater confidence and self-esteem as they grow out of this common childhood phase.
What is your opinion? Is bed wetting a natural part of growing up for a child?
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